Having a good foot care routine is important all year round, but especially in the summer when you’ll be rocking sandals and open-toed shoes on the regular. Your feet have a tough job- they support your entire body and allow you to move, balance and lead an active lifestyle. It’s normal for them to look and feel a little rough, so if you’ve noticed your feet need a little TLC, check out these summer foot care routine tips for beautiful, healthy feet.
10 Tips for Beautiful Summer Feet
1. Do Regular Foot Soaks
Foot soaks are amazing to revitalize your skin, softening any roughness, easing pain and muscle cramps and helping your whole body decompress. You can do a foot soak in your bathtub, or use a big bowl or foot soaking basin. Add in warm water and epsom salts (this one is made with lemon and peppermint essential oils) and allow your feet to be soaked and soothed.
2. Invest in a Foot Scrubber
After the fall and winter months, it’s no surprise if your feet are feeling rough and dry. Use a foot scrubber to relieve rough, dry and thick calloused skin and make your feet look healthy and beautiful. It’s a great way to pamper your feet without going to the spa, removing dead skin and making them look baby soft. Always buff your feet on dry skin. Wet skin makes it harder to see the areas that need to be treated, weakens the tissue and makes the skin more prone to infection.
3. Make Sure to Moisturize
Just like the skin on your face and hands, your feet need to be moisturized regularly. After you’ve used a foot scrubber, apply a layer of foot cream to keep them looking healthy and hydrated. This is particularly important if you have rough, dry skin as it’s craving some moisture. This foot cream is formulated with cocoa butter, vitamin E and peppermint oil to revitalize and soften your feet, leaving them silky smooth.
4. Apply an Oil Based Balm on the Daily
If you feel like your feet need some extra love, an oil based balm like the YORO Manuka Skin Soothing Cream will keep them soft and smooth. Made with six natural ingredients, including organic olive oil, organic beeswax, grape seed oil, Manuka honey and Manuka oil extract, it’s buttery soft for sensitive skin. Use it on slightly damp skin for moisture therapy that will leave your feet looking and feeling their best.
5. Try an Exfoliating Foot Scrub
Your feet will benefit from exfoliation, transforming rough, dry areas into buttery, soft skin. Start by focusing on the heel and ball of your foot, then bring it between your toes and to the top of your feet. This is the perfect scrub to use to get your feet sandal ready, moisturizing and revitalizing tired skin.
6. Keep Your Nails Nicely Trimmed
First of all, nicely trimmed nails look so much cleaner, but if you’re planning on being active this summer, leaving your nails long and un-groomed can result in ingrown nails or other nail-related injuries. Clip your nails straight across, and keep them short with a tiny “overhang” over your toe. Eliminate any jagged edges by filing your toenails, keeping them clean cut.
7. Drink More Water and Eat Omega-3s
It’s also important to focus on keeping your skin hydrated through what you eat and drink. Drinking water flushes the system and keeps your body hydrated overall, but keep in mind it doesn’t fully moisturize your skin. Taking care of your feet and using a good moisturizer is key, but drinking water helps! Filling up on omega-3s will also do you good. Omega-3s are essential nutrients found in certain foods that regulate the skin’s oil production and improve balanced hydration. Omega-3s are found in foods like eggs, fatty fish, seaweed, flaxseeds and chia seeds.
8. Paint Your Toenails
Since you’ll be wearing sandals and open-toed shoes during spring and summer, grab your favourite shade and get to painting! Your toenails grow much slower than your fingernails, so your polish will last much longer. Make sure to apply a base coat and top coat, or if you’re worried about smudging, you can also use gel polish and an LED nail lamp. Whether you choose to go bright, pastel or neutral, having painted toes will make your feet look beautiful.
9. Don’t Forget Sunscreen
If you’re going to be spending time in the sun with bare feet or even open toed shoes/sandals, make sure to apply sunscreen. Your feet can really easily get burned, which can lead to swelling and pain. It’s easy to forget to apply sunscreen to the tops of your feet, which makes them particularly vulnerable to bad burns. Plus, any moisture exposure at the beach or pool can wash sunscreen away, so be sure to be diligent with sunscreen application and reapply it every couple of hours.
10. Be Careful When Barefoot
If you’re tempted to go barefoot at a public pool or at the beach, we urge you to reconsider. Wet surfaces are breeding grounds for fungal infections like athlete’s foot, and you’re more likely to suffer cuts, sprains or fractures if you walk on uneven terrain with bare feet. The best thing you can do is to always wear flip flops or shoes when walking on beaches or pool decks, and in locker rooms. Protect your feet to keep them looking as flawless as possible.
Tis the season for bare feet and sandals. Use these tips and routines to keep your feet looking beautiful!
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